
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

the love language test

my very own love language result. I have been seriously wanting to take this test but I kept forgetting it.
Just a while ago, a window pop out of my computer screen. I decided to give it a try and it was the love language test.
It is a series of 30 item quiz wherein you have to choose between two preferences.
Well, I must admit that I was having a hard time choosing.
To my mind, I seem to be a multi lingual when it comes to the four letter word L-O-V-E. Or so I thought.
Well, the results speak for itself.
My primary love language: quality time!!!
Then come words of affirmation and physical touch in close second place.

So, what is your love language?
You can see for yourself.
here's the link.


come again!

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