
Saturday, July 12, 2008

Sanctification: First Night

"Deny yourself, Take up your cross and Follow me!"

With Fasting and Abstinence, along comes these realizations:
~One will be able to "share" the sentiments of those people who cannot afford to feed themselves one square meal a day;
~Prayer is so frequent and is like breathing in air. That even a simple, "Lord, sustain me today", is in itself a sigh of prayer.
~Food after the fasting hour is over is so palatable!It seems like a simple burger is the most delicious thing you have ever tasted in your entire life!
~Grace before and after meal is meaningfully said.
~Soaking in prayer after one has abstained is the best!

Lesson for tonight:
Do not ever think that glorifying the Lord, may it be in the form of fasting or serving in one's church or helping His people in any way, is a SACRIFICE..Because nothing can ever compare to His Sacrifice of dying on the cross for our sins.

Instead, think of it as a PRIVELEGE...A privelege to serve the Lord of all Lords and the King of all kings.


come again!

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