Have you ever experienced what it is like to get lost?
The anxiety and fear of not knowing where to go, whom to ask for help and what to o next.
It is very frightening right?
The next story I'm going to tell you is that of a dear friend of mine, whose soul was lost but apparently she has foun her way back.
It was a windy day at our terrace and it was just the two of us since all of our friends did not show up during our slumber party. She was exuding this certain kind f aura, of which I can't fathom nor explain. But I can sense that she is radiating..And so I asked her.."Hey, what's up with you these days? We really need to do a lot of catching up."
She answered me in a spirited manner, "yes, it's been quite a while.."
I nod and answered her back, "What keeps you busy these days?"
She was silent for a while and smile at me with all her heart saying, "you know what bes, I'm awaken from a deep slumber!"
Puzzled, I said, "It has been a month since we haven't seen each other and all you did was sleep? Oh common, you've gotta be kidding me!"
She retaliated me with her long and wining story. And here are few of the salient parts I remember....
"Do you know the story of Euthycus in the Bible? Euthycus was that man who fell asleep while listening to Paul preach the teachings of the Lord. He fel to the groun so hard that everyone taught he was dead. Paul hurriely came to rescue him and he said to Euthycus, Arise! Paul (speaking to the people) said, Do not be alarmed! he is not dead!"
Seeing the quizzical look on my face, my friend continued...
I am so moved by this story thaT I felt that I was euthycus, who was there sleeping for the past 21 years of my existence. I was deep in slumber that I did not even noticed that I fell off the ground so hard and that somebody was waking me up already. I have waken up from deep sleep bes, the Lord has awaken me. He loved me so much that He hurriedly came to my rescue, to check upon me, to correct me.
I am new in this kind of thing.I'm telling you, it is different from the world we know. I see things in a whole new perspective.
It seems that things are changing..and they are changing a bit fast. so fast that it was only a month ago that I joined a gathering.A convergence of people praising and worshipping the Lord in all forms and ways. Worship of all sorts an kinds; from songs, praises, dances,cell group sharings. And I am telling you, all of the people in this group are all happy, carefree, spirited people. And it just dawned on me, "hey, I want to be like them!"
I want to sing my heart out to the Lord and put Him as the center of my life. And maybe, just maybe, everything will turn out right.
And so, it did...
The more I seek for the Lord, the more I find Him!
Dspite the short time, God has revealed a lot of things already...
I was taken aback by her story that I coul not utter a single word. It's as if I lost my best friend. I don't know where did all these prophetic ideas came from! Goodness, I was away for a month and I can say I really don't know who she is!I just wanna faint right then and there!
She seems to notice my indifference that she stopped talking animatedly and looked me in the eye and said,
"Bes, I know you will never unerstan me at this point. You might think I'm foolish or silly or just plain stupid but believe me when I say all the things that i said to you are all genuine. All these things consumed me recently and I have been filled with thoughts of him that I want to share it to everyone I know or even to the people I dont!"
"But...Allow me to start, by sharing it with you....Come,take your portion, and Let us pray and read God's word for today!"
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